Saturday, May 2, 2009

Videos, How I Watch You/Updates For 5/2/09

Ok, so I have a grand total of 4 videos for you today! :)

The first is How To Annoy People 101-5. The Next is a Cut Scene from The Messier525 Show, Episode 1. Following that is a single clip of “Flaming Pikachu” from the first episode. And finally, is the video of the news I told you I was going to post.

So, I covered most of the basis I wanted to. Hope you'll enjoy the videos.

And the new video is accurate. I just don't have the man power in order to produce high quality videos for you week after week. At this moment, I'll try to post a video every week, but don't hold your breath. I'm very busy with many things, and cannot keep pushing off some of my other priorities.

Stay Tuned, As I'll Update When I Can. Remember I Update My Twitter Account A Lot!

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3/15/11 Updates

Hey everyone. Sorry for the absence, but I haven't had the time to work on much lately. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue showing ...